Tree pruning is something that can’t be neglected. Pruning not only makes the trees look beautiful, but they also make them healthy and avoid mishaps. It’s recommended that to maintain the quality and health of trees, one should hire professional tree arborists for tree pruning like American Arborist Tree Service.
Tree Pruning isn’t as easy as it may sound due to a wide range of factors. There are many issues that need to be considered like the tree pruning time, what and how to do pruning.
Let’s discuss the importance of tree pruning and the factors that need to be considered while pruning. Health, aesthetic value, and safety are the most obvious reasons for pruning the tree on regular intervals.
Pruning For Health
Who doesn’t love trees? Most of us wish want them to live longer and grow for a lifetime. As long as the pruning work is done right, it can surely add to the overall life expectancy of a tree. You can say that it’s similar just like your doctor prescribes you exercises and healthy diet that helps you to stay healthy & live longer.
In Illinois, we have to worry about a variety of trees. Pruning the trees properly and on time can lessen the chances of contracting tree wilt, but failing to take proper precautions can result in unnecessary exposure to the life-threatening fungus. Search for wilt info to know more details on this topic.
The dead branches or limbs of the tree are removed when pruning is done, which automatically helps in healing the wound and reduce decay of the stem. The only reason behind tree pruning is not always to enhance the tree’s health. In most of the situations, trees grow haphazardly becoming too big and come in the way. In such situations, we need to get rid of those specific branches that are too close to the house wall or in the street. In some cases, the goal is to prune the tree in such a way that brings minimum harm to tree health.
Pruning For Beauty
Another reason behind hiring professionals for tree pruning like American Arborist Tree Service is the aesthetics. If you don’t have experience in pruning, then avoid doing it as you will end up making the tree look like an amputated person. No matter how expert you think you’re – tree pruning is an art that comes after years of experience, and should be left for professional arborists. Also, this task is also quite prone to accidents, so it’s better stay to safer than getting injured.
Pruning For Safety
The third reason for pruning is to check the impacts of the tree on the surrounding area or landscape. Pruning is required to allow the sunlight to reach for the ground and sometimes trees become over-crowded even in smaller landscaping. This is why they require shaping, thinning, and sculpting to set a perfect look of the landscape. For a true lover of trees, pruning should be performed in a manner that enhances the tree’s health without compromising the natural look.
Benefits of Service
Improve the overall health of your trees
Allows you to detect any diseases before they advance
Increases productivity
Maintenance Tips
How much does it cost to remove a tree?
That is a tricky one. Like everything else, price is relative to and a reflection of the cost to the company. Each tree is unique and requires a unique approach. It is very hard to estimate the cost of a tree without seeing it and getting an idea of what is involved in the removal.
When is the best time to cut down a tree?
In general, the best time to cut down a tree is as soon as you notice it is a hazard. While you might want to wait – whether it is for a better season or a bigger paycheck – you shouldn’t. The longer a hazardous tree is in your yard, the bigger risk it becomes. Every windy day or bout of extreme weather weakens the tree and increases the risk that it falls and causes damage to your property.
If a tree has a disease like EAB, you will have to wait until the insects are less active (mid-late fall or early spring) to cut down the tree. The DNR has restrictions on when we are allowed to cut diseased trees in order to reduce the spread of the disease.
Do I have to be home for the removal process?
No. As long as you can provide us with access to the property, you do not need to be home for the process..